October 31, 2012

The pumpkin day

In case you haven't noticed, it's Halloween today! I can't say that Czech Republic celebrates this much, but you can still find something from this American tradition also here. 
So my friend Lucka and I took this chance and went exploring to farmer's market, which was supposed to be dedicated to Halloween. The only pity is that we arrived too late...

Keby ste si nahodou niekto nevsimli, tak dnes je Halloween! Tu v Cechach sa ale tento sviatok az tak neoslavuje, ale aj napriek tomu si kazdy vie najst to po com mu srdce pisti :) 
A tak sme sa ja a moja kamaratka Lucka vybrali na farmarske trhy, ktore mali byt dnes specialne venovane Halloweenu. Jedna smola len, ze sme prisli trochu neskoro...

At least we had our first "Gluhwein" of the season - yum yum yum!

Tak sme si aspon dali prvy "svařák" sezony - mnamky!

How beautiful is Lucka?! 

Ako krasne Lucka vyzerala?! 

Do you remember this tree from Saturday's post? It was all covered in snow and now?

Pamatate si tento strom zo sobotneho prispevku? Ako bol cely pod snehom? 

And a lil bit of meeee...!!! haha

And some pumpkins we found!

A nasli sme aj nejake vyrezane tekvice!

And me looking like a giant in that parka - lol.

And one last picture from the church - how lovely?!

How are YOU spending Halloween?


October 30, 2012

in your shoes but in my socks

The weather outside is not particularly user-friendly so I've decided to stay in at least for now, put on my fav socks, which I got as a souvenir from Grand Canyon and burry myself into the macroeconomics textbook!
Sounds like loads of fun - indeed!
But to make it at least a lil bit fun - do you have favorite socks as well?

Dnes sa o pocasi vonku neda velmi hovorit, ze by bolo "user-friendly" a tak som sa rozhodla aspon na teraz ostat doma, dat si na nohy svoje oblubene ponozky, co som si doniesla ako suvenir z Grand Canyonu, a zahlbit sa nad makroekonomiou.

October 28, 2012

one cosy Sunday

I've already told you about the importance of a cake and a coffee in my life. But here's another cosy Sunday, which I've spent with a cake, cup of coffee and my friend Petra in her new home.
Was trying to find some nice quote for you to finish this week and I really liked this by Jarod Kintz:
"My couch is coffee-colored. I can thank Starbucks and clumsiness for that."
PS: I think I don't have to tell you that everything in the picture is made by IKEA (cake included) ;-)

Uz som sa tu tusim zmienila o tom, ake dolezite miesto v mojom zivote patri kusku kolaca a dobrej salke kavy. Dnes bola opat jedna z tych nediel venovana kolacu, kave a mojej kamaratke Petre, ktora sa novo prestahovala.

October 27, 2012

snow is faling


Ok, it's official - from today on it's absolutely legal to listen to x-mas songs! 
I woke up today and there was snow EVERYWHERE - everything is white just like a toilette paper on a floor in a train's toilette (this comment is especially for Kitty, to make her smile:))
Anyway, we decided that snow is not gonna stop us from traditional Saturday farmer's market, here in Prague. Well, the market was still there, me and my friend Lucka, bought some essentials, but I was still leaving completely broken-hearted as my fav croissant in the world was sold out!
So we went to French bakery for a cappuccino instead and that was just beyond perfection.
Enough for now, I am tuning on to Last Christmas... What's your fav x-mas song?

Ok, takze od dnes je oficialne dovolene pocuvat vianocne pesnicky!
Dnes rano som sa zobudila a vsade naokolo bol sneh - vsetko bolo biele, ako ked mate na zachode vo vlaku vsade po zemi toaletny papier (toto prirovnanie je pre Kitty:))
V kazdom pripade sme sa rozhodli, ja a Lucka, ze nas sneh predsa nemoze zastrasit a aj napriek nemu sme sa vybrali na tradicny farmarsky trh. Trh tam bol, aj sme nakupili nejake zakladne ingrediencie pre Sobotne popoludnie, ale aj napriek tomu som odchadzala so zlomenym srdcom, nakolko moj najoblubenejsi marcipanovy croissant bol vypredany!
A tak sme namiesto toho sli do francuzskej pekarne, kde sme si dali cappuccino.
Dost bolo pre dnesok, idem si pustit Last Christmas... Ktory je Vas najoblubenejsi vianocny hit?

October 26, 2012

Meet my friends: Lubi

Hello lovelies!
I've decided to introduce you to my friend Lubi, who I was already speaking about last Sunday. She is my classmate at the university and together we share passion not only for a good food and drinks but also tennis, international relations and guys.
And that's the topic I'd like to discuss with her now. She is my eternal inspiration when it comes to guys, love and relationship - optimist in each and every single way!

What do you like for breakfast?

I like oatmeal, but there's never enough time in the morning for me to prepare it. So nowadays I only have a yogurt from the company's canteen.

But when you have time, what you really like to have for breakfast?

Well, still just an oatmeal with banana and strawberries. And I like it very soft.

You are my eternal inspiration when it comes to optimism and excitement from guys. So I'd like to hear your most extraordinary experience! 

You mean with men? Oh, you can't publish that! :D

Ok, then something less extraordinary? 

Wow, you mean positive or negative? Because if negative, then maybe when my 75-years old landlord in Brasil, was hitting on me and wanted to take me on a weekend to see polo in Argentina. And we were stuck in his car in a 2-hours long traffic jam, so I couldn't even escape!!!

Why were you in his car in the first place?

We went to play tennis together! (I told you she liked tennis!)

And what about the posiive experience? Something what I can actually publish?

Oh well, probably I am still waiting for that one!

And something less romantic? 

Well, with my one and only boyfriend I've ever had, when we had a nice romantic dinner and then strolled in the historic town of Porto.

I know, that you're now working for a consulting company. You must have a strict dress code there and there must be way too many men walking around in a suit, right? So how do you like this professional surrounding? 

 I love it! Because it's enough when a guy puts on a suit and he looks thousand times better! And the guys in my company, they dress up really well, they take care about their look a lot. And I really appreciate it, because at least it looks that they know what are they doing - when at least looking professional!
And I have to say, that there would be a potential material, but as I empirically found out, it's not such a great idea to start something up at your work.

Can you imagine your future relationship in these days?

Why is it all about men? :D Don't forget that men are not irreplaceable, all they are is just a piece of a muscle!

And what about some relationship advice? So we can all reach your level of optimism?

You should read some Brazilian press, because they write there, that men are irrelevant! In our Czecho-Slovak magazines they write about, what to do so men will like us more. But in those south-amarican they talk about how women are sexsymbols in society, and that it doesn't matter when somebody breaks up with you, because there must be something better waiting for you out there!

Who is your role model?

When it comes to fashion, I like Miranda Kerr. But when it comes to personality, doesn't matter how cheesy it sounds, my Mom is my role model. I can't really explain it, but she is the ideal character from Exupery's Little Prince or Barrie's Peter Pan. She is always pointing at the child inside of everyone of us, and that's what inspires me the most. I'd like to keep up to it my whole life and never to become boring and stereotyped whether it comes to men or anything else.
You always have to say that there's something better out there waiting for you and when something didn't work out, then there must be something better to come!

Thank you for the interview! 

Dnes Vam predstavim svoju kamaratku Lubi, o ktorej som Vam uz hovorila v nedelu. Je to moja spoluziacka z vysokej skoly, s ktorou zdielame nie len vasen pre dobre jedlo a drinky, ale aj pre tenis, medzinarodne vztahy a chlapov.
A to je tema, ktorej by som sa tu chcela teraz venovat, lebo Lubi je pre mna vecnou inspiraciou, co sa tyka chlapov, lasky a vztahov - optimistka v kazdom slova zmysle! Milujem na nej to, ze sa dokaze zamilovat za dve hodiny, rozist sa za dva tyzdne a najst niekoho noveho za dva dni!
Nech sa paci!

Co rada ranajkujes?

Rada ranajkujem ovsene vlocky, ale kedze si ich nikdy nestihnem pripravit, tak som odkazana na to, aby som si kupila jogurt v zavodnej jedalni. 

Ale co tak naozaj rada ranajkujes?

Ovsene vlocky v mlieku s bananom alebo jahodami. A necham si ich tam dlho odstat, aby boli makke :) 

Si pre mna inspiraciou, co sa tyka nekonecneho optimizmu a nadsenia z chlapov. Tak by som chcela pocut Tvoj najextraordinernejsi zazitok.

To ako s muzmi? To nemozem publikovat :D

Tak potom nejaky menej extraordinerny?

Waw, ako pozitivny alebo negativny? Lebo negativny bol, ked ma moj 75-rocny domaci v Brazilii balil a chcel ma pozvat na polo na vikend do Argentiny. A stali sme v 2-hodinovej zapche, takze som nemohla ani utiect! 

Preco si s nim vobec bola v tom aute?

Lebo som s nim bola hrat tenis! (hovorila som, ze rada hra tenis!)

A teraz ten najpozitivnejsi zazitok? Taky, co mozeme aj zverejnit.

Tak na ten asi este len cakam :D 

A co tak nieco menej romanticke? Nieco, co Ti teraz utkvelo v pamati?

Tak potom asi s mojim jedinym ozajstnym priatelom doteraz, ked sme boli na romantickej veceri a potom na prechadzke po historickom Porte. 

October 25, 2012

almost like Unter den Linden

It's almost the end of October and trees are nicely colored in yellow and red - what more to wish for (except of some more sun and warm!)?
As I was walking from a tram today I couldn't resist taking a picture of lime leaves, 'cos they remind me so much of Berlin and it's famous "Unter den Linden" street. Here in Prague, the street is called just "Konevova", so no fancy name or meaning, but still nice yellow leaves on the pavement.
What I wanted to share with you today is, that it doesn't matter where you are, 'cos your heart can still find the best out of it anywhere you are!
So follow your heart and enjoy this autumn - it's beautiful!
PS: Pictures down are actually from Berlin. Can you see the difference? Apart of being stated there that it's Brandenburger Tor?

Je uz skoro koniec oktobra a listy na stromoch su stale krasne sfarbene - co viac si mozeme zelat (teda okrem toho, aby uz konecne vyslo slniecko a ostalo aspon tak teplo ako je!)?
Ked som dnes sla z elektricky domov, tak som nemohla odolat aby som si neodfotila lipove listy, ktorymi bol posiaty cely chodnik. Pripomenulo mi to moju vecnu nostalgiu za Berlinom, kde takto pohodene zlte listy boli hlavne na znamej Unter den Linden ulici. Tu v Prahe sa moja ulica vola celkom neromanticky Konevova, ale aspon ze na nej su tie lipove listy.
Co som Vam dnes tymto chcela povedat je, ze je jedno kde sa nachadzate a co robite, Vase srdce si tam stale najde to co ma najradsej. A to neplati len pre lipove listy! ;-)
Takze nasledujte svoje srdce a uzivajte si jesen - je prekrasna!
PS: Fotky dolu su zo spominanej Unter den Linden. Viete najst rozdiel? Teda okrem toho, ze na jednej z nich je napisane priamo Brandenburgska brana? :D


October 24, 2012

just 2 more months!

You know as we all get really upset and annoyed by the fact that already in September shops are fully packed with x-mas candies and chocolates?
Of course, everyone is complaining that the summer didn't even end and we HAVE TO think about winter and more especially X-mas.
I take everything into consideration but still can't help it, but looking at it from my never-ending optimists point of view, I am actually very happy that x-mas candies are arriving to the stores that early! At least we can enjoy them longer! And THE LONGER - THE BETTER, right?
So I went to Lidl the other day, to do just some grocery shopping and couldn't resist stopping by the X-mas shelves and once I discovered my guilty pleasure - Domino Cubes - nobody could persuade  me that Christmas hasn't arrived yet.
I'm writing this post especially today, as it is 24th October and only 2 MORE MOTHS to go!

Do you also have some guilty pleasure which you are enjoying especially during X-mas holiday?

Vsetci to velmi dobre pozname, ako sa v nas rozprudi krv, ked uz v septembri najdeme na polickach v obchodoch mikulasov a adventne kalendare, ze?
Samozrejme ze sa kazdy stazuje na to, ze este leto ani neskoncilo a my sme uz obklopeni zaplavou cokolady, konfekcii a adventnych kalendarov, ktore nam pripominaju, ze zima uz prichadza a s nou aj Vianoce!
Aj napriek tomu, ze vsetky tieto argumenty su opravnene a hlavne rozumne, ja - ako nekonecny optimista, mam predsa len iny nazor! Ja mam vlastne velke potesenie z toho, ze si niektore z mojich oblubenych sladkosti mozem vychutnat uz od septembra. Ved ako sa vravi - CIM DLHSIE, TYM LEPSIE, no nie?
A tak som sa vcera vybrala do Lidla, kde som si potrebovala nakupit zopar potravin typu cestoviny a banany, a ked som presla okolo policiek s vianocnymi vecami, neodolala som. Hlavne ked som tam nasla moju najoblubenejsiu vianocnu sladkost - Dominove kocky! Mnam!
Padli za obet, to Vam tu ani pisat nemusis, je to nad slnko jasne:)
Dnes Vam pisem tento odkaz v specialny den. Neviem ci ste si vsimli, ale este 2 MESIACE a su tu VIANOCE!!!

Mate aj Vy nejake tajne pokusenie, ktore si doprajete len na Vianoce?

October 23, 2012

wine & cheese

One of the many traditions with my friends Csilla and Nora (apart from Sunday brunch) is that we love to have wine and cheese parties. The concept of this party is as easy as to open the first bottle of wine. We used to do it a lot in Berlin (well, we actually did twice) and now being back together for couple of hours we could't find the better plan!
So we brought and bought wine and everyone brought some nice cheese and Csilla even prepared some mushrooms and we baked them on the cheese. Was truly a heaven in my mouth! 

Jednou z mnohych tradicii, ktoru sme si s Csillou a Norou osvojili (okrem nedelneho brunchu) je "wine and cheese" party. Koncept tejto party je asi tak jednoduchy, ako je jednoduche otvorit flasu vina (teda ak mate otvarac na vino, vtedy to ide fakt lahko!).
Tieto "wine and cheese" party sme si zvykli robit v Berline (teda mali sme ich konkretne dve), a teraz ked sme boli opat spolu, aspon na par hodin, nic lepsie sa nam do programu ani nehodilo!
Takze sme nakupili a potom priniesli k Nore rozne druhy vina a syru a potom Csilla este urobila sampiony a dali sme ich zapiect na syr - och nebicko v papulke, co Vam budem hovorit?!

Ok, and this is somehow another tradition. As looking back in time I found the picture of Csilla and I at the castle in Slovakia - here, where we were wearing crowns. And now crowns AGAIN?!

And this is our dear host Nora with Daniel :)
This picture is from Berlin, from our first wine & cheese party <3

What about you, do you like wine and cheese parties?

October 22, 2012

Sunday brunch

Hello lovelies, so this is the track of my Sunday adventure! While in Szeged, I had really bad internet connection, so wasn't able to post - sorry - now trying to keep up!
I spent Sunday with my dearest friends Csilla and Nora, first having brunch in Most and then strolling around the city and trying to catch my train to Prague - oh well.

Ahojte! Ponukam Vam kratky zostrih mojeho nedelneho dobrodruzstva v Budapesti, ktore sa zacalo brunchom s mojimi najmilsimi, Csillou a Norou, a vyustilo v nahanacku na vlak.
V Szegede som nemala velmi pripojenie na internet, ktore by zvladlo blogovanie, takze sa Vam to tu teraz pokusim vynahradit!

Csilla and her university

Me and my future university

And the place I'll get married once - lol - Sz. Istvan Bazilika


October 19, 2012

Szeged and the city

Welcome to Szeged baby!!! As I had so little faith in this Hungarian town, it really surprised me a lot! Especially the dobos torta they serve here - one of the best so far!

October 16, 2012

the importance of a cake (and a wine)

I've spent today's evening with my girls from university. Oh boy, felt so good! I don't know if you remember in Sex and the City when Miranda told Charlotte, that she is the only one who knows how important it is to have a cake... I can tell you, that there are definitely two of us out there who knows how important it is to have a proper cheesecake for dinner. And I am adding my special ingredient to it: white wine :)
So thank you girls for such an awesome evening! You're the best!
PS: Apologies for pictures, but I simply can't snap good ones when there's dark outside!

Dnesok som stravila so svojimi dievcatami zo skoly. Oh jej, stalo to za to - tutti frutti alebo tutti fritti? Neviem na akom pojme sme sa to uz zhodli :) Pamatate sa ale, ked Miranda vravela Charlotte v Sexe v meste, ze ona je jedina, kto vie ake dolezite je dat si kolac? V kazdom pripade Vam viem povedat, ze sme minimalne dve, ktore vedia ake dolezite je dat si na veceru malinovy cheesecake. A moja specialita k tomu? Biele vino, samozrejme :)